What are you going to do with your 2010 budget leftovers ?

December 2, 2010

Miami FL. Dec 1 2010. Protecmedia announces a “CyberDecember” with special prices for the NewsToTakeaway app.

Now is time to convert the 2010 budget “leftovers” into a digital leap forward. Protecmedia is offering special pricing for its app NewsToTakeaway so every newspaper can go mobile in January 2011.
Order it in December and for just $149 a month for 12 months (that’s only $5 a day) publishers can have their own iPhone app up and running in January. Price includes customization.

That’s not all. We also have a similar app for Android devices at the same price but there is an additional 30% off for the Android app when you order both together. Furthermore if you have readers using Blackberry devices you’ll be happy to know that there is a 50% off on the Blackberry app when you order all three of them together.

Please contact NewsToTakeaway@protecmedia.com telling them that you are a PAGE cooperative member or visit the website www.NewsToTakeaway.com for details on the product.