U.S. based newspaper company Shaw Newspapers has launched 40+ newspapers and 20+ websites in less than 10 months with Roxen software

May 27, 2009

Article by: Roxen Internet Software

STOCKHOLM SWEDEN – May 27 2009: Shaw Newspapers Dixon Il (USA) has launched 40+ newspapers and 20+ news websites in 10 months using the web-based Roxen Editorial Portal.

Shaw Newspapers entered into an agreement with Sweden-based Roxen Internet Software in June 2008 to become Roxen’s first U.S. based newspaper customer using Roxen Editorial Portal. Since then in less than 10 months Shaw Newspapers has finished its internal launch project. Today all of the company’s printed newspapers and other publications as well as its news websites run on the Roxen platform.

“This must be somewhat of a record in the industry” says Tom Shaw CEO at Shaw News­papers. “We knew that moving to a web based platform would be faster and smoother but we couldn’t imagine we’d be finished with all our publications by now. In less than ten months we now have all printed publications and websites running on the same platform. This is a huge cost saver for us” Mr Shaw continues.

“Roxen’s web based platform for print and web has enabled us to transform our daily print and web operations into true information centers delivering content in multiple channels. This is the direction all news companies will have to go and we’re already there. Just imagine what this means for our business” says Ben Shaw IT Director at Shaw Newspapers.

Shaw Newspapers has been running the launch project almost on its own with only little assis­tance from Roxen. “This is one of the critical success factors of this project that Shaw Newspa­pers’ dedicated people has managed the project on their own" says Staffan Ekholm CEO at Roxen Internet Software. “This extremely efficient project shows the decisiveness and profess­io­na­lism at Shaw Newspapers but also proofs what you can achieve using modern web technology in a news operation” Mr Ekholm continues.

Unlike all other editorial systems in the news industry Roxen Editorial Portal is fully web based accessed through a standard browser. Roxen Editorial Portal was officially introduced at the IFRA Expo 2007 in Vienna and is already in production in 15 countries in Europe North America and in Australia.

About Shaw Newspapers
Shaw Newspapers based in Dixon IL is 158 years old produces 40+ print publications and 22 online publications. With over 640 employees it is the United States 3rd oldest continuously owned and managed newspaper company. www.shawnewspapers.com

About Roxen Internet Software AB
Roxen develops the products Roxen Editorial Portal and Roxen CMS and is a pioneer in web based product development since 1994. Customers include Princeton University Verizon Metro International Bonnier Tidskrifter RTL Nederland and de Telegraaf Tijdschriften Groep. Roxen has offices in Sweden and the Netherlands. Roxen’s many international awards include “Best of Comdex”.