Qualified Page Members will receive through end of of 2009 a 35% discount off of OnColor ECO (standard version). Please call Rick Shafranek 919-303-5637 for details or to process your pages free of charge to determine your ink savings potential. More information available at
ProImage OnColor ECO Ink optimization software is an independent software module that accepts PDF files and perform GCR operation to transform “CMY” components to “K” reducing ink consumption while maintaining the highest possible print quality and sharpness. It automatically analyzes PDF files and determines the exact amount of ink needed to produce the best quality. The result is perfect output using less ink. The software can be used as a stand-alone application or can be integrated into an automated workflow.
On Color ECO automatically convert color spaces to ensure consistent color for both vectorized and image content. Uses Smart Input Space Recognition (SISR) which assigns intelligently an input profile to the PDF file (when the PDF file does not have it embedded). This has been the cause of many color issues with PDF files. It intelligently applies Gray Component Replacement (GCR) to replace the right amount of “Cyan” “Magenta” and “Yellow” ink components for “Black” ink component.
On Color ECO is an automatic operation using hot folders preserves image quality ability to treat vector and raster images differently saves significant amount of ink (up to 30%) easy and simple to use.
The overall product benefits are:
• Volume of ink saving in between 15% to 30%
• An expensive CMY ink is replaced by a cheaper BK ink
• Sharper images due to increase black components
• Better and more stable grey balance
• Sharper image is produced due to larger amount of BK
• Faster ink drying time is achieved due to reduced amount
of ink
• Reduced file size after the conversion