SP Fiber Technologies (SPFT) was created as a new company

October 16, 2012

Article by: Central National-Gottesman (CNG)

SP Fiber Technologies (SPFT) was created as a new company in early September through the asset purchase of the bankrupt SP Newsprint. SPFT owns and operates mills in Dublin GA (100% recycled) and Newberg OR (50% recycled). It has established it s corporate headquarters at the mill in Dublin.

The new owners and management team have made a commitment to remain a newsprint producer for the foreseeable future at both mills. As such they have initiated several quality improvements including the following:

1) cleaner recycled fiber from their own recycling centers in addition to stricter quality standards for fiber purchased from external vendors.

2) speed reduction of all 3 machines by 10-15% resulting in longer retention time in the de-inking plant and therefore a cleaner and brighter finished product.

3) brightness targets at the Dublin operation have been increased to 57 and sheet cleanliness has shown noticeable improvement.

Both mills are open for business and would enjoy the opportunity to serve many more PAGE members. For more information about SPFT and it s products please contact Ronnie Moore in the southeast (Ronnie.Moore@spnewsprint.com) or Robert Kramer in the northwest (Robert.Kramer@spnewsprint.com).