MillerBevco has partnered with a US manufacturer of Rubber bands to bring our PAGE customers an American made product that carries with it the Pride and dedication we have all come to expect and is still competitively priced. This is another way that Miller Bevco is adapting to add more value to PAGE Cooperative. The main thing all businesses have come to expect is the most bang for our buck! In breaking into this very competitive market our sales team has come up with a few good points to keep in mind when getting ready to place an order.
They are listed here:
Quality: The main way to cut back on cost and therefore resale price is to lower the percentage of pure rubber that is used in each band and increase the amount of compound. This by far affects the quality and elasticity of each band.
Quantity: The cheaper the band the more compound that is used to drive the overall cost down. Compound weighs more than pure rubber but this simple fact means that when you buy simply based on price per pound you could actually be paying your supplier more for each rubber band that your carriers are using.
Price: The main way to determine the actual cost to your paper and or your carriers is to ask your current supplier to give you an estimated band count per pound and to divide your per pound price by the band count which based on this formula will show you what you are paying for each band. Example: 1 pound poly bag with 3100 bands in it @ $2.23 per pound = $2.23 / 3100 = .000719355 per band.
To learn more about what MillerBevco can do for you contact us at:
Toll free 800-821-2177