PuzzleFlow announces that its software has passed Ghent PDF Workgroup v4 Compliancy testing.
PDF has become the industry standard document transfer format and proper PDF preflighting is essential to efficient handling of documents through any prepress and print production scenario. PuzzleFlow is committed to producing software solutions that solve problems promote efficiencies and enhance our customers business – what we call "Intelligent automation." Compliance with the highest industry standards is one way we can both illustrate and insure that commitment. We are proud to have passed both GWG v3 and now GWG v4 compliance testing.
About the Ghent PDF Workgroup from their website:
“The Ghent PDF Workgroup develops specifications and best-practices for publishing workflows.
“Also known as the GWG The Ghent PDF Workgroup is an international organization made up of graphic arts users associations & developers building best practices for publishing workflows.
“The GWG compliant preflighting applications are applications that have been formally tested by the GWG to make sure all preflight errors and warnings are captured correctly. To perform these tests the GWG uses a large set of test files specifically created to check this kind of application. Compliancy testing of preflight applications ensures a very high reliability…”
For more information about the Ghent PDF Workgroup visit www.gwg.org. For a list of GWG v4 compliant applications visit www.gwg.org/technical_compliant_applications.phtml.
For more information about PuzzleFlow Solutions visit www.puzzleflow.com and www.youtube.com/puzzleflow.
Contact PuzzleFlow Solutions US at (248) 412-8810 or sales@puzzleflow.us.