PuzzleFlow Newsletter – Spring 2011

March 23, 2011

Article by: News Hub Media

See the attached PDF file or follow the links
for the full version of these articles.


FUJIFILM Graphic Systems
now offers PuzzleFlow Solutions

We are pleased to announce that FUJI FILM Graphic Systems will now offer all of the PuzzleFlow Newspaper Production tools to its customers in the United States Including:

PuzzleFlow WebPairer:
Powerful automated PDF page pairing production workflow for newspapers.

PuzzleFlow Automator:
Automated ad and page verification preflighting and auto-fixing for newspapers.

PuzzleFlow InkSaver:
Innovative automated and affordable RIP and workflow independent ink optimization software.

"At PuzzleFlow we have worked very hard to create powerful and affordable software that addresses and automates the unique needs of newspapers while being flexible and powerful enough to also handle any commercial work they produce all without a complex interface or overwhelming IT requirements ” said Richard Laframboise Director of Operations at Puzzleflow Solutions U.S. “We are quite proud that FUJIFILM Graphic Systems a company well known for consistent quality products has chosen to offer our software.”


Technical Tips:
Using WebPairer Press Curves
for Dot Gain Compensation

As we all know you want to have some dot gain on press it is what we expect to see and what gives images contrast or “pop ” if you must. The thing is to control the amount of gain so it looks good. First to do proper dot gain calibration you need a few things like:

– a standard to shoot for

– a color densitometer

– already linear film or plate

– a test good test file

– time and patience

The first thing you need to start with then is some sort of target some official data that says what proper dot gain should be. Luckily and thanks to the hard work of all sorts of dedicated industry professionals there are industry standards in the form of ICC profiles.

In the case of newspapers in the United States SNAP 2009 is the latest and greatest industry standard definition for cold-set web on newsprint. This profile is built into WebPairer so one down . . . For the complete article see the attached PDF or click on the newsletter link on the PuzzleFlow Blog: http://blog.puzzleflow.us


For more detailed PuzzleFlow News see the attached PDF.

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