PuzzleFlow Solutions USA has finished rolling out the latest major upgrade for its WebPairer and Automator newspaper production software. Current PuzzleFlow support contract holders are entitled to all major and minor upgrades which are scheduled and distributed remotely over the internet from the PuzzleFlow Solutions USA offices in Novi Michigan.
This upgrade includes new features including: Automated proofer selection by size web growth compensation tools memorized and automated Page Plans (auto creation of publication layout and assembly settings/automated imposition) remote site management third-party RIP monitoring enhanced reporting abilities enhanced spot color handling enhanced ICC color management enhanced CIP3 controls enhanced user permissions and automatic creation of PDF “booklets” of finished jobs.
Another important feature of this upgrade is the latest PuzzleFlow PDF Library. PuzzleFlow continues to develop one of the only independent continuously updated PDF libraries in the world. This advanced PDF library is at the core of the normalization preflighting and auto-correction functions of PuzzleFlow s newspaper production products. The library allows PuzzleFlow customers to stay current with the latest changes and enhancements to the PDF language and process the latest PDF files.