(You can see here a newspaper using this technology) http://www.newstotakeaway.com/videoelmundoipad01.html
Miami FL November 18 2010.
“We are glad to make available to our customers this new channel that is seen by many as the best device suited for the future of newspapers and magazines” said Bart Mariner Protecmedia’s General Manager for the US operations. “Publishers are excited with the possibilities of this new device and so are we”.
Through easy-to-use multi-layer editing tools presentation editors can design the iPad version at the same time that they are designing the printed and online editions adding special effects like sliding menus scrolling embedded videos photo galleries or different presentation for portrait or landscape mode. A useful text-only version of every article is also produced automatically.
“Although the first users of MCM iPad Publishing have been magazines” adds Mariner “it’s obvious that newspapers are not going to be left behind. iPad is a formidable platform and both readers and advertisers are quickly adopting the new reading device.”
The product is ready for deployment and MCM users can start to use it immediately.
More info at www.newstotakeaway.com