As I’m sure it’s apparent that both the price volatility as well as the availability remains turbulent in almost every facet of our industries supply chains. That being said, we are diligently working to control both within the areas we can control to keep you consistently supplied. This letter is to inform you of a few upcoming increases that will go into effect on July 6th, 2022. I have attached the supporting notices from our suppliers of the increases.
The impacted items are listed below :
Trelleborg Printing Blankets – 5 % (supplier document)
Sunshine Paper – Packing Paper – 4% (supplier document)
Solvents & Cleaning Solutions – 3% – and up. (supplier document) – *manufactured using petroleum based raw materials.
The attachments for blankets & packing are self-explanatory. The solvent increases are subject to the percentage of the impacted raw materials used in the specific solvent and specialty solutions being used. I will follow up with an explanation of the specifics of the products used in each of your plants.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Patrick Cleghorn
Vice President of National Accounts
1337-J Wood Branch Drive
Charlotte, NC 28273
Office – 704-588-3860 x 8304
Fax – 704-588-3887
Cell – 704-622-7272