Portland Maine Regional Chamber of Commerce Launches Newly Designed Website on Celsius Open Platform

May 24, 2012

Article by: Celsius Technology Group LLC

Falmouth ME (April 24 2012) — Celsius Technology Group a leader in open platform multichannel publishing solutions for media organizations and other groups announced the launch of the newly designed website for the Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber’s website underwent a complete makeover to provide viewers with a better online experience including the use of colorful area photography a friendlier user interface a refreshed new member directory format event listings and a mobile friendly format.

“The new portlandregion.com offers an improved experience for our members local businesses tourists and more ” said Chamber CEO Godfrey Wood. “Working with Celsius allowed us to support local businesses and Chamber member companies.”

Celsius Technology Group engineered the re-design including the overall look feel and performance. A new events calendar displays Chamber events in chronological order with the details of each listing and plots the location on a google map. Users can also register and pay for events online quickly and simply. The Chamber’s newsletter is also available electronically.

A Member News section allows Chamber member companies to email their announcements and events for publication. The five Community Chambers and young members’ group PROPEL each have a section for their latest news and events. The Chamber’s Public Policy efforts are also outlined with the latest updates posted each week.