PAGE Cooperative and Polkadots Software Inc. would like to invite you to a webinar titled ADflo 2008 on Wednesday May 7th at 1:00 p.m. Eastern. This webinar will run approximately 45 to 60 minutes which will include a Q&A session.
ADflo is an automated AD pagination solution for newspapers looking to cut costs and increase productivity. ADflo facilitates AD prep and verification a labor-intensive process for the newspaper industry. ADflo interfaces seamlessly with NEWSflo as well as any other newspaper workflow or layout system allowing the newspaper to RIP all their ADs early on in the process and providing the opportunity to repair costly page failures long before deadline.
Ultimate preflight tool for AdComp personnel that will automatically fix:
• PDF Transparency
• Convert Pantone to CMYK
• 4 Color Black Text
• Missing Fonts
• RGB Images
• Hairlines
• All Other Common Errors
View results of the finished version of the AD in minutes
Troubleshoot problem ADs easily
Real-time missing AD-list generation
Optional 2 way communication with AD Tracking system
Real-time status management of ADs
View ADs by publication and/or salesperson
Zoning and micro-zoning support
Unlimited number of concurrent editions/titles
Supports separate location for fillers
Automatically generates softproofs and hard-copy proofs of individual ads
Multi-user Client/Server architechture
e-Tear sheet automation capabilities
ADflo is easy to install and simple to use. ADflo’s client server architecture means that AdComp personnel can check on the status of ADs soft-proof ADs and manage deletion or submission of files – all without leaving their workstations.
You may sign up for this FREE webinar by completing the online form no later than Tuesday May 6th at:
Once you register online for this webinar you should immediately receive an email confirmation. Also a day prior to the webinar you will receive sign-on instructions by email. A telephone line is needed (for the audio portion) as well as a computer with an internet connection (high-speed is recommended) to view the presentation.
If you have any technical questions regarding the webinar please give Marcy Emory a call at the number listed below (extension 182) or email her at