Successful crossword writer Myles Mellor is now partnering with to supply interactive crossword puzzles to newspaper websites.
Over 40 newspapers have now joined the service.
These currently include Daily and Sunday puzzles and will shortly include Diamond crosswords tm and Theme Crosswords including themes on all major holidays Valentines day home finance entertainment celebrities baseball NFL outdoors fashion and many many more.
The puzzles are free and are monetized with ads – both pre roll and pay par click. Newspapers enrolling in the service gain a share of ad revenues from their visitors.
Newspapers enrolling in this service can also get large reductions on the cost of their print puzzles as well.
Newspapers already using the service include:
Tallahassee Democrat Ashbury Park Press Town News newspapers
Gannett newspapers Greenville online Modesto Bee Rockdale Citizen Caledonian Record Saint Cloud times Clarion Ledger Omak Chronicle News Media Corp Idyllwild Town Crier Vermont Living American Press Louisiana Town of the Bron Florida Weekly Gwinnett Daily Vancouverite Spencer Evening World Missoulian
Natchez Democrat La Prensa San Diego Poughkeepsie San Deigo
Lemons Newspapers Collingwood newspaper
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For more information contact Myles Mellor on 818 522 4126 or at