The 1 600 online newspapers hosted by are being upgraded to a state-of-the-art load-balancing system.
The Zeus load-balancing system ensures that Web traffic is moved in and out of sites in the quickest and most efficient manner possible resulting in better customer satisfaction and more page views.
Load-balancing software acts as an interactive traffic cop making sure that all data moves through’s two major data centers as quickly as possible.
In technical terms Zeus works at the Layer 7 or application level. “Layer 7 technology allows us to run administrative processes on different servers segregate servers for beta testing improve diagnostic services improve load-balancing algorithims and use lighter weight and faster Web servers for serving images and other static content ” said Brad Ward senior vice president of Technology for
“The addition of the Layer 7 Zeus technology is part of an ongoing program to ensure that our online newspaper customer have access to the best interactive technology available on the marketplace ” said Marc Wilson general manager of
In addition to the Layer 7 technology has added Akami edge serving which distributes content over thousands of web servers across the nation and around the world. The Akami service means that consumers are accessing their online newspapers from servers located within 100 miles of their homes or offices. This local and regional access virtually eliminates long-distance Internet routing that can add time to each page load.
“Between the regional edge serving the Zeus load-balancing and the many upgrades has made at its central data centers in Chicago and New York readers of online newspapers hosted by should have the best response time available to any Internet users ” Wilson said.
Most newspapers working alone likely couldn’t afford this kind of load-balancing solution but working together the newspapers have access to technology that is second to none. Working together the 1 600-plus newspapers can afford this technology.
The migration to Akami and to Zeus will be transparent to customers of If you have questions please contact our customer support staff at 800-293-9576.