Four questions for you…
1) Do you know how many fonts you have in your organization?
2) Do you know their exact location per machine and whether they need a license?
3) Do you know if the fonts needing licenses are correctly licensed?
4) Do you know how to keep track of this forever?
If you answered no to any of these questions your company could be wasting money on unnecessary font licenses and operating illegally.
Fontwise delivers:
– Accurate font auditing including license reconciliation
– Database control of font licenses throughout your company
– Designated desktop access to evaluate and select new fonts
– Access to a complete range of font services and information.
The Fontwise solution:
– Lists all installed fonts on each computer in your company
– Reconciles the fonts that you have with your current font licenses
– Creates a customised database of your company font licenses
– Provides controlled access to any available font through one centralized source
– As you continue to update your font licenses the Fontwise solution maintains your database dynamically.
To learn more about how Fontwise can help you take control of your font licensing contact Monotype Imaging today:
Sarah Maguire
Tel# (800)-424-8973 x6026
Monotype Imaging Inc
500 Unicorn Park Drive
Woburn MA. 01801