AbiNet is a web-based system that manages your paper inventory needs. It includes the roll level functions available in our shrink-wrapped paper roll inventory management system AbitRol. AbiNet s additional functionality gives publisher/printer group corporate offices the ability to view and assist their pressroom/plant operating units in managing many aspects of their paper status.
AbiNet provides consolidated management by having production sites and corporate offices use the same software program connected via a Web browser to manage and account for inventory. This single shared database ensures common data is available to all users through the inventory s life cycle. Included in the service is the ability to not only receive electronic shipping notices but also to send and receive electronic invoices in EDI or XML format.
Return On Investment – users report that up to 2% less paper on hand through better roll mix management is possible. Additionally up to ½ of 1% waste improvement has also been achieved through logging press breaks; and following up on paper performance or other trends.
EDIWISE systems have been in use for 19 years and are installed at over 400 newspaper sites.