Konica Minolta Graphic Imaging Inc to sell offset printing plate business to Southern Lithoplate Inc.

September 16, 2010

Konica Minolta Graphic Imaging Inc. will sell its offset printing plate business including subsidiary American Lithoplate Inc. to Southern Lithoplate Inc. The anticipated closing is scheduled for Friday October 1 2010. The decision to sell was based on the long term strategy of Konica Minolta Medical & Graphic Inc.

Kazuhiko Fukushima President and CEO of Konica Minolta Graphic Imaging Inc. said “Konica Minolta Graphic Imaging has a long standing tradition and heritage in the prepress and printing supply business. We are honored by our loyal customer relationships over these many decades. We thank our customers for their belief and support which fueled our growth in the CTP and conventional plate business over the last three years.

We are very pleased to confirm Southern Lithoplate as our successor in the offset printing plate business. Southern Lithoplate has customer values very similar to ours which facilitated this sale. The continuity of customer supply service and support is our primary objective during this transition process.”

Edward A. “Trip” Casson Chairman & CEO of Southern Lithoplate stated “We are honored by the opportunity to support Konica Minolta Graphic Imaging Inc. in this transition. Konica Minolta Graphic Imaging and Southern Lithoplate have closely shared values for delivering the highest level of quality response guidance and support for our customers. These shared values were core to this transaction. Both companies are contacting customers and vendors alike to reassure them of our joint commitment to a smooth transition.” Casson continued “In addition to further positioning Southern Lithoplate as a premier & trusted supplier for the North American news and commercial print market this will expand our growing commitment to our international markets including but not limited to South America.”

About Konica Minolta Medical & Graphics Inc.
Konica Minolta s corporate message “The essentials of imaging ” expresses our desire to be recognized as an essential enterprise in the world of imaging. To this end Konica Minolta strives to be a corporation that continues to create inspiring products and services in the field of imaging as well as a global corporation that leads the market with advanced technologies and reliability by conducting business under our management philosophy “The Creation of New Value.”

For Additional Information visit www.konicaminolta.com or contact Myles Lemin Director of Human Resources at 616-957-2650 ext.3002 or e-mail at mlemin@gi.konicaminolta.us.

About Southern Lithoplate Inc.
Southern Lithoplate Inc. a North Carolina corporation specializes in the manufacture distribution and service of analog and digital lithoplates and associated products for targeted print markets. Southern Lithoplate enjoys a documented reputation for Quality Value & Performance throughout the world. Southern Lithoplate provides our customer markets a full array of high-quality value-priced lithoplate products. Southern Lithoplate’s service infrastructure is designed to exceed the needs of their customer markets. Their state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities are located near the world-renowned Research Triangle Park in North Carolina and Jackson Tennessee.

For Additional Information visit www.slp.com or contact Steve Mattingly Senior Vice President toll free at 800-638-7990 Ext 2240 or e-mail SMattingly@slp.com.