K4 Cross-Media Publishing Platform Version 6 Now Available from MEI

February 3, 2010

Article by: Managing Editor Inc.

Jenkintown PA (February 3 2010) — Managing Editor Inc. (MEI) an Adobe premier development partner and a leading provider of software solutions for the publishing industry today announced the immediate availability of Version 6 of the vjoon K4 Cross-Media Publishing Platform. MEI the exclusive distributor of K4 in the Americas has already installed the latest version of the world’s leading editorial management system integrating Adobe® InDesign® and InCopy® at several publishing sites.

With increased support for cross-media input and output a revolutionary task-based workflow model more options for remote users and enhanced flexibility in the system’s behind-the-scenes architecture Version 6 is the most versatile and robust update to K4 yet.

Cross-Media Input and Output
More than ever before users can take advantage of K4’s database and workflow-management capabilities with a wide variety of both input and output options. The latest version of K4 is specially designed to handle virtually any content type in addition to Adobe InDesign CS4 layouts and Adobe InCopy CS4 articles including Microsoft Word documents Excel spreadsheets images rich media PDFs XML files Flash movies podcasts PowerPoint presentations and more. The system is also built to facilitate publishing to multiple media making it easy to push content to as many unique channels as needed such as print Web iPhone and other mobile devices eBook readers social networks syndication and multiple languages. Version 6 easily manages all types of content regardless of its source or eventual destination and allows publishers to define unique workflows for each type of content.

Task-Based Workflow
K4 Version 6 introduces an innovative workflow model in which users are presented with tasks that explicitly describe what has to be done. When a task is accepted K4 automatically presents users with what they need to do the job such as a text file or picture to edit a layout to work on or a metadata field to fill in. Once all tasks associated with a particular stage of the workflow have been completed the associated files move forward in the pipeline. This model provides a high level of transparency easily allowing users and supervisors to see exactly what has been done and what still needs to be done in the workflow.

The latest version optimizes productivity by allowing more users to collaborate and complete tasks simultaneously. For example an editor can edit the body text while another user works on headlines and pull-quotes for the same story; meanwhile a Web editor can add keywords to the story’s metadata while a researcher approves the accompanying photo.

The system’s new Web-based graphical workflow editor allows administrative users to map out the steps of their site’s production processes. These efficient configurable task-based workflows are then applied to different objects as they are brought into the system.

Remote Connectivity
To provide more flexibility for the growing number of users logging into the system from outside the office K4 offers expanded Web-based interactivity in Version 6. The new built-in K4 Web Portal provides a platform for remote connectivity which can be extended with server-side plug-ins. The K4 InCopy Editor lets writers and editors work on K4 articles with no InCopy client necessary. The Web CMS Editor provides WYSIWYG authoring and editing for native HTML content. And the K4 File Manager gives K4 users Web access to tasks for a wide variety of content in the system allowing them to open files in their native applications. With the Web Portal staff can stay connected from anywhere with just a browser and an Internet connection.

Enterprise Technology
K4 Version 6 is a multi-tier solution that supports Oracle Microsoft SQL and MySQL database platforms and runs on Mac OS X Windows Linux and SUN Solaris operating systems.

MEI is looking forward to providing Version 6 and its powerful features to customers whether they are current users looking to upgrade their existing systems or new sites seeking to streamline production with revamped workflows.

“The enhancements in Version 6 make it easier than ever for K4 users to publish content to various media channels efficiently and cost-effectively while at the same time expanding the capabilities to grow revenue ” said Linda Bruce vice president of enterprise sales at MEI. “This latest version includes some of the most exciting features the industry has ever seen.”

For more information on the K4 Cross-Media Publishing Platform visit http://www.maned.com/products/k4.

The K4 Cross-Media Publishing Platform Version 6 is now available from MEI. All K4 customers on active maintenance agreements are eligible to receive a free upgrade. Contact an MEI sales representative at 800-638-1214 or sales@maned.com to schedule your upgrade. Additional sales information can be found on Managing Editor Inc.’s Web site at http://www.maned.com.

About K4
The vjoon K4 Cross-Media Publishing Platform is a flexible scalable solution that allows publishing professionals to manage their design and editorial workflows and deliver multimedia content to a variety of output channels — print online and other electronic formats. With its multi-level security controls open architecture and robust customization options K4 provides a transparent and secure production workflow environment for individual workgroups or entire publishing enterprises. K4 is a product of vjoon GmbH of Hamburg Germany. With more than 350 systems installed in publishing houses agencies and magazines worldwide K4 has already revolutionized the editorial workflow for more than 17 000 users. MEI is the exclusive distributor of K4 in the Americas with more than 150 installations managing nearly 9 800 users.

About MEI
Managing Editor Inc. is an industry leader in the development of quality proven software solutions for the evolving publishing industry. The Page Director® Series of Advertising and Classified Layout Systems K4 Cross-Media Publishing Platform Integrated Production Suite (IPS) and IPS AdTrac deliver automated pagination workflow and digital asset management solutions to newspaper and magazine publishers as well as to other print and electronic publishing markets. MEI is an Adobe premier development partner and has twice been named a laureate of the Computerworld Smithsonian Collections. Additional information regarding MEI’s products and services can be found on the company’s Web site at http://www.maned.com.
