Introducing Preferred Supplier for Travel : Travel Incorporated and Cliqbook

October 11, 2010

Article by: Travel Incorporated

Travel Incorporated is excited to be PAGE Copperative s new Preferred Supplier for travel services. Utilizing our services for your company s travel needs ensures a seamless travel experience. Travel Incorporated provides a personal travel portal where you and your employees can maintain traveler profiles check past travel transactions unused tickets and more.

All travel arrangements made through our counselors or through the Cliqbook online booking tool will be logged for your

To get started please visit Travel Incorporated s Home page as well as our Reference Sheets. Here you will find instructions on how to create your profile which houses all of your travel preferences frequent flyer numbers etc. as well as how to begin making travel arrangements.

If you have any questions please reach out to your Travel Incorporated account manager Stefanie Stevens at 770-291-4170 or

We look forward to making your travel arrangements!