Enterprise 6.x Includes New Jump Feature

February 10, 2009

Article by: WoodWing – The Americas

Feature Highlight: Smart Jump

For improved speed and workflow requirements designers typically choose to create projects out of multiple InDesign documents. New in Enterprise 6 is the ability to jump articles between page layouts.

Using a convenient Smart Jump tool a page designer can click on a text frame with overflow and then click on an empty text frame to initiate the jump. Continuation elements such as the text “Continued On” or “Continued From ” are created and styled automatically. It s also possible to instruct Enterprise to create a jump using a menu option in case another designer has the destination page open on their screen.

The text between these two frames is linked so if a designer resizes a frame they can select the "Reflow Jump" command to either bring more text in or send it to the other document. The Elements panel in InDesign tells the page designer if a particular article needs to be reflowed.

Preferences for Smart Jump settings are stored per InDesign document so page designers can have different styling preferences per project or publication. Templates can be created with these settings so that designers always have a uniform look without having to adjust styling preferences.

Watch a VIDEO showing Smart Jump in action!



Shawn Duffy Managing Director