Catawba Mill Orders

December 17, 2018

Article by: Domtar/Resolute Forest Products

December 14 2018

Dear Valued Customer:

As you are aware New-Indy Catawba LLC and New-Indy Containerboard LLC (collectively “New-Indy”) and Resolute Forest Products (“Resolute”) announced on October 2 2018 that New-Indy will acquire substantially all of the assets of Resolute’s Catawba South Carolina pulp and paper mill. The acquisition is currently scheduled to close on or about December 31 2018 (the “Closing”). A dedicated transition services team has been established by each company to handle the transfer of the Catawba mill business from Resolute to New-Indy. Following the acquisition New-Indy’s affiliate International Forest Products LLC (“IFP”) will be responsible for all sales and customer service for the Catawba mill.

We are pleased to continue doing business with you and ask that you make note of the following information regarding orders and customer services.

Orders placed with any Resolute mill other than the Catawba mill are unaffected by the transaction.

Catawba mill orders submitted to Resolute prior to the Closing:
Catawba mill orders submitted prior to the Closing will be assigned to and fulfilled by New- Indy. Orders with shipment dates before March 1 2019 will not otherwise experience any change. Should you have any orders with shipment dates from and after March 1 2019 your Resolute Customer Service Representative will contact you. Until the Closing please continue to work with your current Resolute Customer Service Representative on all inquiries. Invoices will be sent out from New-Indy Catawba LLC referencing your PO number.

Catawba mill orders submitted after the Closing:
For Catawba mill orders submitted after the Closing IFP will handle all Sales and Customer Service responsibilities including invoicing for the Catawba mill on behalf of New-Indy.

Your orders for production at the Catawba mill should be submitted to IFP by emailing

For customer service or invoicing inquiries please contact the following individuals: Julie Kearns – Tel: 508-698-4723
Kendra Calabro – Tel: 508-698-4626

If you have any questions related to this transition please do not hesitate to contact your Sales Representative:

Bill Parrilla – Tel: 201-485-8167

Thank you for your loyalty to the Catawba mill. We look forward to working with you in the future and continuing to provide quality products and excellent service.