BCCA Media Credit Seminar – New York Tuesday November 6

October 4, 2012

Overview: The BCCA Media Credit Seminar will focus on high level credit related issues for the media industry including magazine print newspaper television radio cable interactive and digital. It is an opportunity to meet with media credit professionals and executives from across the country.

Date: Tuesday November 6
Time: 8:00am – 6:00pm

McGraw-Hill Building
Signature Room & James McGraw Hall
1221 Ave of the Americas – 50th Floor New York City
(Midtown between 48th and 49th/between 6th and 7th)

Registration Fees:

Full-day registration (media industry) – $275
– each additional employee from same company (media industry) – $195
(must submit separate registration form for each additional person)

Full-day registration Associate/Vendor – $395

Reception Only (4:30pm -6:00pm) – $40

Registration Form

Hotel Rooms: $284/night plus tax (club room w/ queen size bed). BCCA has reserved a limited number of rooms at The Club Quarters (across from Rockefeller Center 2 blocks from seminar location) for out of town attendees. Please email Jamie Smith at jamie.smith@mediafinance.org for information on reserving your room.


Sessions for today s credit professionals. Topics from agency processes to dealing with and identifying troubled companies will be discussed.

Exhibitors & Sponsors with products and services you need to know about.


ABC-Amega (www.abc-amega.com)
The Andersen Group (www.theandersengroup.com)
BASYS Processing Inc. (www.basyspro.com)
BCCA (www.bccacredit.com)
Brown & Joseph (www.brownandjoseph.com)
STRATA (www.stratag.com)
Szabo Associates (www.szabo.com)

….more coming soon

Networking/Food events include: continental breakfast buffet lunch morning and afternoon breaks and an evening cocktail reception.

– – – Preliminary Agenda (may change without notification)
8:00am Registration Desk Opens
at James McGraw Hall-50th Floor
Attendee Bags sponsored by Brown & Joseph

8:00am – 8:50am Continental Breakfast…Meet the Exhibitors
(James McGraw Hall-50th Floor)

8:50am – 9:00am Introduction by Co-Chairs: Anthony Besaw Accounting Manager ESPN; and Michael Denson VP Network Credit & Collections Katz Media Group
(Signature Room – 50th Floor)

9:00am – 9:50am Keynote Speaker: Richard Hastings Macro and Consumer Strategist Global Hunter Securities LLC

Topic: An Overview of the U.S. Economy

sponsored by ABC-Amega

(Signature Room – 50th Floor)

9:50am – 10:30am Ins & Outs of Digital Advertising
(Signature Room – 50th Floor)

Speaker: Lori Nicholson EVP Financial Services Viacom Media Networks

10:30am – 10:50am Break in Exhibit Area
Drop your business card in to each Exhibitor s bowl to be entered to win $50. Drawing to take place starting at 5:00pm.
(James McGraw Hall)

10:50am – 12:00am Digital Advertising Invoice
(Signature Room – 50th Floor)
The digital advertising industry is known for its ability to achieve massive scale when it comes to the serving of ads. So if our product is digital and we deliver it digitally at huge scale why do we still fax sign and email our business documents?

A brief history of the IAB’s attempt to bring an old concept Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to a new industry.

Speaker: Steve Sullivan VP Advertising Technology IAB

12:00am – 1:00pm Lunch in Exhibit Area
sponsored by Szabo Associates

(James McGraw Hall)

1:00pm – 2:15pm Legal Aspects of Doing Business in the
e-World Electronic Signatures Accepting Credit Cards and Other Hot Issues
(Signature Room – 50th Floor)

Speakers: Wanda Borges principal Borges & Associates; and Bruce Nathan member Lowenstein Sadler

2:15pm – 2:30pm Break in Exhibit Area

Last Chance to meet Exhibitors and enter drawing for $50 from each Exhibitor at 5:00pm
(James McGraw Hall)

2:30pm – 3:30pm Agency Process…how to get paid faster!
(Signature Room – 50th Floor)
Speaker: Kevin McEvoy CFO PHD USA

3:30pm – 4:30pm Collection Agency Panel: Collection Tips & Tricks
(Signature Room – 50th Floor)

Moderator: Anthony Besaw Accounting Manager ESPN

Panelists: Robin Szabo President Szabo Associations; Tammy Osborne Director of Operations The Andersen Group Worldwide; Dennis Falletti SVP Credit/Collections/Receivable Outsourcing/Business Development Brown & Joseph; others TBA

4:30pm – 5:00pm EMCAPP Update
Speakers: Mary Collins President & CEO MFM & BCCA; Michael Denson VP Network Credit & Collections Katz Media Group

5:00pm – 6:30pm Cocktail Reception & Raffle Drawing in Exhibit Area
(James McGraw Hall)

Attendees have chance to win $50 from each of the Exhibitors – Bring Business Cards to enter drawings (winners must be present to win)
Enjoy drinks and light appetizers while networking and relaxing with other attendees.

Sponsored by Katz Media Group and Cox Reps


Attendees have a chance to win $50 from each of the Exhibitors. Bring business cards to give to each exhibitor and at 5:00pm each exhibitor will draw from their entries. Winners must be present to win!

Upon arrival at the McGraw-Hill Building all attendees will need to be cleared through security by providing a photo id. Look for the BCCA table in the McGraw-Hill Building Lobby to receive your pass.

The dress attire for the seminar is business casual. Suggested attire for men is the following: sports jacket slacks collared shirt and/or turtleneck. For women: business suit (skirt or slacks with jacket) or relaxed casual (skirt or slacks with blouse sweater set or turtleneck). Casual footwear items such as tennis shoes sneakers clogs boating shoes or flip-flop style sandals are not appropriate.

Questions? Please contact Jamie Smith at jamie.smith@mediafinance.org or 847.716.7000 x105.

Copyright 2012 © BCCA