PAGE Cooperative and Agfa Graphics would like to invite you to a webinar titled “OptiInk – Reduce Ink Costs Up to 30%” on Wednesday November 7th at 1:00 p.m. Eastern time.
Newspapers today are continuously challenged to find new ways to reduce costs while improving productivity and quality. This is particularly true right now as so many costs continue to rise including your ink costs. That s exactly why it s time for OptiInk to come to the rescue!
This OptiInk webinar has been specifically designed for PAGE members. OptiInk is a totally automated ink savings solution that actually improves your color quality while reducing ink costs. It even reduces total ink coverage further reducing web breaks and "see through" as you move to lighter paper weights. During this webinar we will be actually demonstrating OptiInk and you ll learn how to determine how much ink and money you can save in your newspaper operation.
Topics include:
-Description of Arkitex OptiInk
-OptiInk Benefits
-Calculating Your Newspaper s Ink Savings
-OptiInk Special- For PAGE Members Only!
For more information on OptiInk please go to our web site.
Also feel free to log on to Just upload you files so we can tell you how much ink you can save. you ll be way ahead for the seminar. (Note that you are a PAGE member!)
You may sign up for this “free” webinar by completing the online form at… no later than Tuesday November 6th. Once you register for this webinar you should immediately receive an email confirmation. Also a day prior to the webinar you will receive sign-on instructions by email. A telephone line is needed (for the audio portion) as well as a computer with an internet connection (high-speed is recommended).
If you have any questions regarding the webinar please call Marcy Emory Membership Services Coordinator at the number listed below (extension 182) or email her at For more detailed information on the Agfa OptiInk product prior to the webinar contact Sheila Nysko at 800-540-2432 ext. 7042.