PAGE One Newsletter Archives
Spring 2024
Check out PAGE’s 2024 Spring Newsletter by clicking the button down below. This year, PAGE is celebrating its 40th anniversary. PAGE was founded on the bedrock of newsprint, plates, and ink. After 40 years, PAGE is so much more. In this edition you will hear from PAGE CEO, Kevin Craig, as well as others about the recent moves PAGE has been making…
Winter 2023
By clicking the button below. you will find the newest edition of PAGE Cooperative’s newsletter, PAGEOne. Inside you will find numerous resources you benefit from as a PAGE member, as well as updates on the Cooperative…
Summer 2022
Please be sure to check out the summer edition of the PAGEOne newsletter for important information on the Cooperative. With the ever changing climate of the industry, PAGE will continue to find ways to deliver the best prices possible for members. Check out the Operational Savings Review to get started, as well as read about new additions to the PAGE community…
Winter 2022
PAGE wants to keep you in the loop with the winter edition of PAGEone. The information embedded in the winter edition highlights changes within the cooperative, features new members and partners, as well as additional savings on services…
Fall 2021
This is the first PAGEone Newsletter, that has been published in digital-only format. We are confident our members and partners will embrace this experience which has many benefits, including reading on your phone, as well as your desktop, searching for content and contacts and enabling PAGE to ….
Volume 1 • 2021
On June 3rd of this past year, severe thunderstorms battered southeast Pennsylvania. In addition to the lightning strikes, the storm brought wind gusts of up to 90 mph that ultimately knocked out power to more than 500,000 customers – the PAGE office was one ….
Volume 2 • 2020
We are certainly living through challenging times. There is no doubt about it, the past few months have presented roadblocks and difficulties that many of us would never have imagined. The world has had to adapt to a lo of new guidelines and…..
Volume 1 • 2020
If you mentally plugged in the word, “privileges” to complete the sentence, it is more than likely American Express issued you a charge card years ago with your name on it, or you are a student of advertising slogans and…..
Volume 1 • 2019
As PAGE Cooperative veterans, you no doubt have heard the headline metaphor too many times in your member, partner, or supplier experience … but for this newbie, it has extra meaning. In the few brief weeks…..
Volume 3 • 2018
A small but enthusiastic group attended the PAGE annual meeting by conference call or in person at the PAGE office in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, October 23. PAGE President Brandon Eyerly chaired…..
Volume 2 • 2018
Membership in PAGE Cooperative means that co-op representatives have been “negotiating on our behalf ” to select preferred suppliers. At the Idaho Press-Tribune, this means that “these people have been…..
Volume 1 • 2018
At this point just about everyone reading this column has been affected by the tight newsprint market. And relief may still be six months away. In the meantime, PAGE is working with other associations…..