Welcome to PAGE Cooperative, your “new” longstanding partner for savings.
My name is Kevin Craig, and as the recently appointed CEO, I welcome you to PAGE Cooperative as we celebrate our 40th year of supporting our membership of publishers, printers, and suppliers.
As a refresher, PAGE was founded as a member owned, not-for-profit, to level the purchasing playing field for independent newspaper publishers and printers. By cooperating with each other, publishers were able to obtain more favorable pricing and terms from the key suppliers of our industry and receive in return dividends and rebates for their purchases. PAGE suppliers received the positive benefits from PAGE affiliation through loyal purchasing and reduced administration costs.
We will continue to foster this win-win partnership between our longstanding suppliers to our industry and the committed PAGE membership.
If you are visiting our website and you are:
- A current member of PAGE, please contact me or the PAGE team and learn how you can maximize your membership in your Cooperative.
- A former or prospective member of PAGE, please contact me and I will outline the financial and additional valued added benefits of joining us.

- A current PAGE supplier, please contact me and learn what we are doing to increase and improve your communications to our members.
- A prospective supplier, please contact me and I will introduce you to the benefits of marketing to the PAGE membership and supporting our industry.
In 2024 and beyond, we must work together, and PAGE Cooperative will continue to play a vital role in supporting our industry with financial benefits that help fund our newsgathering operations.
I look forward to hearing from you and seeing what we can do together.
What We Do
PAGE members pool their individual purchases to create large-volume leverage that earns significant discounts and rebates from over 100 suppliers.
Members purchase over $100 million dollars annually through the Cooperative.
By pooling their purchases, members receive discounts on:
- Newsprint & Ink
- Printing Plates
- Pressroom and Circulation Supplies
- Graphic Arts Materials
- Office, Production and Electronic Media Equipment
- Print/Media Services

Our values state that each member shares equally in the ownership and control of the PAGE Cooperative. All members – regardless of size – receive the same base pricing from the same suppliers.

Cooperative Buying Association
Our mission states that we will help assure member success by providing practical ways for them to enhance revenue and improve operating efficiencies.
Member Benefits
PAGE Cooperative was originally formed to save its members money and that goal still holds true today.
By joining together with other independently owned newspaper companies, PAGE Cooperative members earn significant volume based discounts and rebates on consumables, equipment, and services from over 100 PAGE suppliers. While saving money may be the biggest advantage of PAGE, it isn’t the only one.
Suppliers That PAGE Members Have Access To
Supplier Benefits
If you are a supplier and want to partner with PAGE Cooperative, contact us.
The goal of PAGE Cooperative is to combine its volume purchasing and to bring supplies and services to PAGE members at a cost lower than members could expect to command on their own. In return, PAGE suppliers receive substantial benefits.

We know that you and your team will benefit from the benefits and opportunities that PAGE Cooperative can provide. If for any reason, however, your company decides to resign, PAGE will issue a full refund.*
* Limitations apply.